Academics and Honors College

All of the 8 Honors College logos

Living Learning Programs



Honors Citation

The Honors College Living-Learning Program Citations is an academic distinction and formal acknowledgement of participation in one of Maryland’s Honors College Living-Learning Programs. Students who earn an Honors College Citation wear special cords with their academic regalia at commencement and the Citation is noted on their academic transcripts. The specific requirements for the Honors College Citations vary from program to program but typically require that a student successfully complete all of the course requirements for the program and have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.2.

ACES – Advanced Cybersecurity Experience for Students Citation Requirements

Design | Cultures & Creativity Honors Citation Requirements

Entrepreneurship and Innovation Honors Citation Requirements

Honors Humanities Honors Citation Requirements

Gemstone Honors Citation Requirements

Integrated Life Sciences Honors Citation Requirements

University Honors Citation Requirements

Schedule of Classes

Student Clubs and Organizations

First-Look Fair

Individual Studies Program (IVSP)

Undergraduate Research Opportunities

Federal Semester and Global Semester


Education Abroad

Honor Societies

National Awards and Scholarships

Anne Arundel Hall

Honors Seminars


Honors Seminars engage students with:

  • Interdisciplinary topics
  • Outstanding students
  • Terrific instructors
  • no more than 20 students in the class

You bring your ideas, your passion, and your interests to the courses you decide to take. We make sure you are given complex problems to think about, significant writing assignments with meaningful feedback, chances to practice presentation skills in formal settings, and a network of friends from every major in every college.

Academic Policies

Statement on Academic Integrity
GPA and Academic Requirements
Repeat Policy
LLP Transfer and Removal

Honors College Statement on Academic Integrity

The Honors College is an intellectual community that engages high-achieving undergraduates to pursue knowledge in an atmosphere of honesty and trust. We support the University’s commitment to academic honesty and responsibility. Students found responsible for a violation of the Code of Academic Integrity by the Student Honor Council, receiving an “XF” or worse, will be removed from the Honors College, including the living and learning program. For more information on the University’s Code of Academic Integrity, please visit the Office of Student Conduct.

Honors College GPA and Academic Requirements

The minimum GPA for students to remain in good standing in the Honors College is a 3.0 cumulative. Students who fall below a 3.0 GPA minimum will receive communication from the Honors College executive director alerting them to their probationary status in the Honors College. The 3.0 GPA minimum is a consistent standard across the College; no LLP may set a lower or higher minimum GPA for its students. Students falling below a 3.0 are considered to be on Honors College probation until the GPA is raised back to a 3.0.

A minimum 3.2 GPA is required to earn the Honors College citation.

It is important to note that individual programs have at least the minimum expectations above but may also maintain additional program-specific expectations. Students are encouraged to consult with their LLPs to ensure full knowledge of academic standards and expectations.

Students will be required to meet with the appropriate representative of the LLP staff if their GPAs fall below the 3.0 minimum.

Denied Access to Honors Courses

Students who fall below a 3.0 and are therefore on HC probation will be denied registration access to Honors seminars and LLP courses until the GPA is at a 3.0. It is possible for a LLP to grant registration overrides for a respective LLP course on a case-by-case basis, allowing the student to remain on track with sequenced course requirements.

*University Honors program requires a 3.0 GPA minimum for access to UH seminars and has the right to administratively remove students who are registered for these courses who do not meet this requirement. Students will be notified with sufficient time to alter their schedules in order to maintain financial aid or other services that are credit-laden. After such date, students will be removed from the Honors seminar.

Removal of Students from LLPs

In addition to the Honors College policy, an LLP may have further expectations for their students. For example, an LLP may stipulate no grades below a “C” in LLP course work or the successful completion of an internship requirement.

Students who have a minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA but are removed from their LLP due to failure to maintain academic expectations may be allowed to continue their Honors College experience in the University Honors program, after appropriate review.

For more information on University retention policy, please visit the online Schedule of Classes section on Academic Probation and Dismissal.

Honors College Repeat Policy

The Honors College Policy applies to all courses across the Honors College living and learning programs (LLP). An LLP director may grant an exception allowing a course to be repeated within the respective LLP in rare, extenuating circumstances after consultation with the Honors College executive director.

University Honors seminars, which are open to all Honors College students, are not repeatable. These courses are seat limited, one-time offerings or offered for a limited time and therefore are often not available for re-enrollment.
Other LLP courses are regularly offered, however are cohort-specific and are not designed for reenrollment as they are sequential, building on previous courses. In rare circumstances, a student may be allowed to repeat a course with the next cohort. In this case, the University Repeat Policy regarding how both final grades will be calculated in to the GPA will prevail. There are guidelines regarding GPA calculations based upon when the original course was taken and within how many credits. Students are advised to consult the undergraduate catalog for their matriculation year or meet with an academic advisor for more information. Course catalogs can be accessed on-line via the Office of the Registrar and clicking on Catalog-Undergraduate.

Internal LLP Transfer and Removal Policy

Student LLP Withdrawal

Honors students, who have matriculated to the University and wish to switch out of their LLP are discouraged from doing so until the end of their first semester unless there are extenuating circumstances. Generally, the Honors College policy requires students to meet with their Program’s director or associate director for advising and consultation and to wait until the end of the fall semester.

If the student still wishes to switch at the end of the fall semester, they may do so by completing the exit survey provided by their LLP representative.

Generally, students may only switch into the University Honors (UH) program.* It should also be noted that while most students in good academic standing (GPA 3.0 or above) will be allowed to move into UH, students with below a 3.0 cumulative GPA may be placed on Honors College probation and not be allowed transfer to UH until the 3.0 cumulative is achieved. Additionally, student conduct/behavioral or other concerns may prevent approval of transfer to UH.
*A small, select group of students may switch to ILS when invited.

Program Removal of a Student

It is the position of the Associate Provost and Dean for Undergraduate Studies that the Honors College and the Living and Learning Programs (LLP) within are additional campus resources affording a subset of eligible students an enriching academic experience. Students entitled to the Honors College resources are those whose competitive academic records are deemed so by the Honors College staff and who continue to prove themselves responsible to both academic and community expectations. Students who either fall below the stated GPA minimum (3.0) and other LLP academic expectations or who are found responsible for academic dishonesty and receive an XF or worse by the Office of Student Conduct may be removed from the Honors College and/or their assigned LLP. Additionally, any student who is considered a disruptive and/or unproductive member of the community, regardless of their academic record, may be removed from the Honors College and/or their assigned LLP. Either action can impact a student’s ability to earn the Honors College citation or graduation cords.

Anne Arundel Hall

Honors Research Grant

Application Deadlines

Fall: October 1 Spring: February 26

A limited number of grants of up to $500.00 (each) are available to Honors students each semester. Selection is based on academic merit, quality of supporting materials, and financial need.

Background and Rationale

The Honors Research Grant Program has been established to support the research efforts of students in the departmental and college Honors programs. Students may apply for grants up to $500.00 for any legitimate purpose that would enhance their research efforts. For example, grant money could be used toward travel to conferences or special research collections or for the purchase of equipment unique to the student’s project not covered by a mentor’s grant. Generally, grant money is not awarded for the purchase of common laboratory equipment. A student may receive the award once.


  1. 1. Students must be admitted to a college or departmental Honors program.

  2. 2. Students must be actively engaged in a research project that will lead to the writing of an individual Honors thesis.

  3. 3. Students must have a FAFSA on file for the current academic year that demonstrates financial need. If a student’s expected family contribution for college expenses is less than the total cost of attendance, there is an excellent chance the student will meet the financial need criteria. A student may inquire about his/her financial eligibility prior to applying by emailing

Application Process:

  1. 1. This Application Form (submit 2nd page only)

  2. 2. Narrative Description of your Honors thesis project

  3. Detailed Budget

  4. Transcript (unofficial transcript is fine)

  5. 5. Confidential letters of support from Faculty Mentor. (An additional letter of support from your college or department Honors director is optional.)

Submit completed application materials (electronic) to: (with the subject line 'Research Grant' and your last name). Questions: 301-405-1221.

*Students who are awarded the Honors College Research Grant must agree to submit a final copy of their thesis to the Honors College and to have their name, thesis title, and abstract posted on the Awards website.

Anne Arundel Hall

Study Abroad

